Hamnache Leyla
& Sidjelmaci Mohamed Amine
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Hamnache Leyla & Sidjelmaci Mohamed Amine, (2017). ÖĞRENEBİLEN ZİHİNSEL ÖZÜRLÜLERİN OKUL BECERİLERİNİN GELİŞTİRİLMESİNDE OYUNLA ÖGRETİMİN ROLÜ : TİLİMSAN ÖRNEĞİ. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 17, p. 438-457. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.789.
1627 1333
The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a program based on play school-readiness skills education to the mentally handicapped, the sample of the study consisted of 18 mentally aged 8-15 years.
The present study adopted the adaptive behavior scale, school-readiness measurement – prepared by the researcher — along with software-based gameplay-prepared by researcher-is made up of 20 meetings, and the results showed the effectiveness of the programme proposed raising school-readiness skills.
Anahtar Kelimeler
mental retardation, preparation for school, educational toys, educational program.
The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a program based on play school-readiness skills education to the mentally handicapped, the sample of the study consisted of 18 mentally aged 8-15 years.
The present study adopted the adaptive behavior scale, school-readiness measurement – prepared by the researcher — along with software-based gameplay-prepared by researcher-is made up of 20 meetings, and the results showed the effectiveness of the programme proposed raising school-readiness skills.
mental retardation, preparation for school, educational toys, educational program.