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This study deals with Michel Foucault's perspective on language, knowledge, power, reason and the institution of "Religion" in the context of his approaches to language, knowledge, power, reason and all these approaches from a sociological point of view in a hermenuetic (hermeneutic) way. Foucault's effort to reveal the organic link between them in the context of the "subject-power" relationship shows that we need to read him with a unique perspective. Foucault, who has not made a systematic explanation of religious practices, draws attention to the fact that the institution of "religion", especially the understanding of Christianity in the western society he is in, is an important force that shapes history. Foucault, who has made in-depth studies on sexuality, states that the concepts related to the Greco-Roman world of sexuality have been negatively altered by Christianity. Along with these, the concept of "body" appears as the phenomenon that will interest us the most. It is necessary to express how important the domination of Foucault's conception of power over the subject and its externalized expression, the body, is. As a social being, human beings have to express themselves on the stage of society with their bodies, which leads us to the concept of "power", which Foucault touches upon extensively. Thus, the concepts of subject, knowledge/power and power will help us to explain the phenomenon of internal and external intervention that the body encounters. In summary, as an attempt to discuss and explain phenomenological approaches ontologically and epistemologically, the study titled "Michel Foucault: His Views on Religion in the Context of Subject, Knowledge/Power and Power" aims to provide a conceptual framework for studies in this field.

Michel Foucault, Religion, Sociology of Religion


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