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In this study, the objective relations between diplomacy and translation, power relations established in the context of the power struggles within the international arena, the established power dynamics, resulting power balances, and the transformations of translation into a diplomatic instrument have been examined. Diplomacy, an art of conciliation and communication, can be traced back to ancient societies. The ad-hoc method, one of the earliest known diplomatic relationship approaches, started to be abandoned from the XV. century, giving way to diplomatic methods that adapted to the changing times. With the establishment of permanent embassies, diplomacy gained a fully institutional and official dimension. From the second half of the XIX. century, the importance of diplomacy in promoting national language and culture to establish relations with other nations and gain access to new markets became clearer. Globalization demonstrated that diplomacy could be a potent tool for addressing changing security perceptions and threats in the international arena for political actors. However, the reality also emerged that diplomacy needed to adapt to this new world order. Undergoing a significant paradigm shift, diplomacy has been divided into several new subfields that focus on developing cultural, social, and symbolic capital while supporting national interests. This division has brought diplomacy closer to the field of translation. As a communication practice, translation involves the development of cognitive subfields and symbolic capital in the realization of cross-lingual and cross-cultural actions. The study examines the convergence of diplomacy and translation from a cultural perspective and considers the theoretical areas created by translation scholars Antoine Berman and Lawrence Venuti, taking into account ideology and power relations.

Keywords: Diplomacy, translation, power relations, Antoine Berman, Lawrence Venuti


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