Faris Zeynalabidin
& Lakhal Mustafa
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Faris Zeynalabidin & Lakhal Mustafa, (2017). HAYATA BAĞLILIK DÜZEYİ ÖLÇEĞİ. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 16, p. 204-213. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.708.
1779 1423
The present study was designed to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of a arabic version of the Love of Life Scale using a sample of 300 university students, and another sample n=30 clincal,it was found that the the Love of Life Scale has good internal consistency,Cronbach’s alpha was .92 and Love of Life Scale had significant positive correlation with Arabic Scale of Optimism (0.52) The scale displayed negative correlations with the Arabic Scale of Pessimism (-0.27) It was concluded that the Algerian version of the Love of Life Scale can be recommended for future research on positive psychology.
Anahtar Kelimeler
The present study was designed to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of a arabic version of the Love of Life Scale using a sample of 300 university students, and another sample n=30 clincal,it was found that the the Love of Life Scale has good internal consistency,Cronbach’s alpha was .92 and Love of Life Scale had significant positive correlation with Arabic Scale of Optimism (0.52) The scale displayed negative correlations with the Arabic Scale of Pessimism (-0.27) It was concluded that the Algerian version of the Love of Life Scale can be recommended for future research on positive psychology.