Lamia Adnan Abd
& Athraa Ismael Zadin
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Lamia Adnan Abd & Athraa Ismael Zadin, (2021). ARTISTIC EXPRESSION AMONG PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE CONTEMPLATIVE THINKING VARIABLE. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 68, p. 111-130. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.3097.
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The early childhood stage, which is usually described as establishing the development and growth of most of the child’s mental, psychological, moral, and physical abilities, so scientists and researchers have been interested in the growth and upbringing of the child, especially for the specified period between (6 until the age of 11) due to the importance of education in this stage. The age stage in terms of developing the child’s senses and experiences, because he is by nature inclined to play and draw in his instinctive activity, according to which his natural responses to stimuli and his contemplation of what surrounds him change. Since drawing plays an important role in raising a child from an emotional and intellectual point of view, it identifies and identifies aspects that he can only reveal and express through drawing, so the study problem came in the following question: What are the characteristics of artistic expression in the drawings of the primary stage, and what is its relationship to the contemplative thinking variable? The aim of the research was to identify the students’ contemplative thinking according to their age stages according to their artistic expressions. The research community consisted of 290 and the sample was selected 80 for the three age stages (6, 7, 8). This helps him to have freedom of expression.
.Stimulate the learners’ awareness and their ability to artistic appreciation and reflective thinking in the subject of artistic expression. As for the recommendations, we specify the introduction of educational curricula that stimulate the learners’ abilities to think creatively and develop the queen of artistic sense.
Anahtar Kelimeler
The early childhood stage, which is usually described as establishing the development and growth of most of the child’s mental, psychological, moral, and physical abilities, so scientists and researchers have been interested in the growth and upbringing of the child, especially for the specified period between (6 until the age of 11) due to the importance of education in this stage. The age stage in terms of developing the child’s senses and experiences, because he is by nature inclined to play and draw in his instinctive activity, according to which his natural responses to stimuli and his contemplation of what surrounds him change. Since drawing plays an important role in raising a child from an emotional and intellectual point of view, it identifies and identifies aspects that he can only reveal and express through drawing, so the study problem came in the following question: What are the characteristics of artistic expression in the drawings of the primary stage, and what is its relationship to the contemplative thinking variable? The aim of the research was to identify the students’ contemplative thinking according to their age stages according to their artistic expressions. The research community consisted of 290 and the sample was selected 80 for the three age stages (6, 7, 8). This helps him to have freedom of expression.
.Stimulate the learners’ awareness and their ability to artistic appreciation and reflective thinking in the subject of artistic expression. As for the recommendations, we specify the introduction of educational curricula that stimulate the learners’ abilities to think creatively and develop the queen of artistic sense.