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Yazar : Siham Hassan Khaudhur    
Türü :
Baskı Yılı : 2021
Sayı : 61
Sayfa : 140-152
DOI Number: :
Cite : Siham Hassan Khaudhur , (2021). REALISM AND SYMBOLIC FUNCTION IN A NOVEL (SNOW COMES FROM THE WINDOW) FOR (HANNA MINA). Route Education and Social Science Journal , 61, p. 140-152. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.2971.
1166    943

The spaces of the narrative port are varied, from village to city, from land to sea, from east to west and accordingly to the characters of his novels. The village is a narrow world bounded by specific frameworks that compel the minds of people and restrict their areas of development due to the control of feudalism over most of the lands, as reflected, mainly in the curriculum vitae. The city, (the city of Mina), is a poor public neighborhood, like the village is under poverty, struggling with class and opportunism in the hope of winning a free and dignified life. Mina emerges from the narrow frame at the local level, and conveys to us the experience of the Syrian citizen in his forced alienation. The other is recognized in this different environment; another civilization, and another thought, and between this and that wandering expatriate and get confused, and lost identity, sometimes, accordingly, and the nostalgia for home is stuck in the chests in the hope of return. Throughout the language and detailed description, Mina works on the embodiment of the places and depicts them with infinite accuracy. Hanna Mina counts on the school of realism, he has emerged in the Syrian novel since his first novel, "Blue Lantern" in 1945, and imposed himself in the following literature as a talented writer prolific production, which distinguishes the other novelists in that he drew his vision of the actual suffering on the ground. He sees that Realism can digest the sum of known currents, whether romantic or symbolic; this position explains how it uses symbol or modern techniques in its novel. In the novel of Snow comes from the window, the hero running away initially from facing of tyranny, but at different stages he learns the principles of struggle and passed the stages of consciousness, and develops his character from the level of the average person to the level of revolutionary hero and fighter. In this study, we illustrate Hanna's vision of realism and its characteristics in this novel, on the one hand, and the revelation of rigid objects, on the other hand, especially the window, which plays an important role in portraying the protagonist's stages of development

Anahtar Kelimeler
Realism, Hanna Mina, The Avatar function

The spaces of the narrative port are varied, from village to city, from land to sea, from east to west and accordingly to the characters of his novels. The village is a narrow world bounded by specific frameworks that compel the minds of people and restrict their areas of development due to the control of feudalism over most of the lands, as reflected, mainly in the curriculum vitae. The city, (the city of Mina), is a poor public neighborhood, like the village is under poverty, struggling with class and opportunism in the hope of winning a free and dignified life. Mina emerges from the narrow frame at the local level, and conveys to us the experience of the Syrian citizen in his forced alienation. The other is recognized in this different environment; another civilization, and another thought, and between this and that wandering expatriate and get confused, and lost identity, sometimes, accordingly, and the nostalgia for home is stuck in the chests in the hope of return. Throughout the language and detailed description, Mina works on the embodiment of the places and depicts them with infinite accuracy. Hanna Mina counts on the school of realism, he has emerged in the Syrian novel since his first novel, "Blue Lantern" in 1945, and imposed himself in the following literature as a talented writer prolific production, which distinguishes the other novelists in that he drew his vision of the actual suffering on the ground. He sees that Realism can digest the sum of known currents, whether romantic or symbolic; this position explains how it uses symbol or modern techniques in its novel. In the novel of Snow comes from the window, the hero running away initially from facing of tyranny, but at different stages he learns the principles of struggle and passed the stages of consciousness, and develops his character from the level of the average person to the level of revolutionary hero and fighter. In this study, we illustrate Hanna's vision of realism and its characteristics in this novel, on the one hand, and the revelation of rigid objects, on the other hand, especially the window, which plays an important role in portraying the protagonist's stages of development

Realism, Hanna Mina, The Avatar function

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