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Iman Sabra BENBELGACEM , (2020). VIOLENCE IN UNIVERSITY MEDIUM FROM LECTURERS VIEWPOINTS IN ALGERIA. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 56, p. 317-337. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.2841.
972 825
There are many proposed studies about Algerian universities with
both educative and scientific sides. They have focused on studding
different corruptions appearance as well as universities outrage. In
addition, they also studied the students overcrowding and lake of
utilities for students and lecturers. Furthermore, other dire
conditions of universities which may affect their stability regardless
the efforts made. In our research, an important point is touched,
the university security aspect. Due to the appearance of factors of
non-comfortability of the two main component of the university,
this study focuses on the category of lecturer “the essential
foundation of a university”. The aim of this study is to recognize
from lecturers’ viewpoints the causes of violence in their
professional medium, the consequences, and the effects on their
career paths.
Anahtar Kelimeler
There are many proposed studies about Algerian universities with
both educative and scientific sides. They have focused on studding
different corruptions appearance as well as universities outrage. In
addition, they also studied the students overcrowding and lake of
utilities for students and lecturers. Furthermore, other dire
conditions of universities which may affect their stability regardless
the efforts made. In our research, an important point is touched,
the university security aspect. Due to the appearance of factors of
non-comfortability of the two main component of the university,
this study focuses on the category of lecturer “the essential
foundation of a university”. The aim of this study is to recognize
from lecturers’ viewpoints the causes of violence in their
professional medium, the consequences, and the effects on their
career paths.