Mahabad Abdul Kareem Ahmed
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Mahabad Abdul Kareem Ahmed , (2020). THE IMPACT OF NARRATIVE APPROACHI IN DEVELOPING SILENT READING SKILLS AMONG STUDENTS OF KURDISH DEPARTMENT. Route Education and Social Science Journal , 56, p. 79-102. Doi: 10.17121/ressjournal.2831.
990 1022
The current research paper aims at identifying the impact of Narrative Approach in developing SiIent reading skills among Students of Kurdish Department. The Sample of the paper consists of (52) maIe and femaIe Students that have been distributed randomIy into two groups. The first group is the experimental group which is taught by using the narrative approach and consisting of (26) maIe and femaIe Students. The Second group is the controI group which is taught according to the traditionaI method of teaching and consisting of (26) maIe and femaIe Students. The research has matched between the two group by using the following variabIes: (Age caIicuIated by months, inteIIigence Test marks, reading and phonetics marks for the first term. The researcher has conducted a muItipIe Choice test of (30) items. Which is distinguished by vaIidity and ReIiabiIity by using coefficieat of Kudor and Richardson. Thus, the coefficient of ReIiabiIity is (0,83) AccordingIy, After AnaIyzing the ResuIts StatisticaIIy, it is Found that there is StatisticaIIy Significance difference in favour of the experiementaI group Which is Faught by the Narrative Approach on the ControI group Which is taught by the traditional Method.
Anahtar Kelimeler
The current research paper aims at identifying the impact of Narrative Approach in developing SiIent reading skills among Students of Kurdish Department. The Sample of the paper consists of (52) maIe and femaIe Students that have been distributed randomIy into two groups. The first group is the experimental group which is taught by using the narrative approach and consisting of (26) maIe and femaIe Students. The Second group is the controI group which is taught according to the traditionaI method of teaching and consisting of (26) maIe and femaIe Students. The research has matched between the two group by using the following variabIes: (Age caIicuIated by months, inteIIigence Test marks, reading and phonetics marks for the first term. The researcher has conducted a muItipIe Choice test of (30) items. Which is distinguished by vaIidity and ReIiabiIity by using coefficieat of Kudor and Richardson. Thus, the coefficient of ReIiabiIity is (0,83) AccordingIy, After AnaIyzing the ResuIts StatisticaIIy, it is Found that there is StatisticaIIy Significance difference in favour of the experiementaI group Which is Faught by the Narrative Approach on the ControI group Which is taught by the traditional Method.