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As an entity bearing meaning, human carries on his life for a aim/purpose/ideal. Being aimless and purposed, it purifies the person from the point of view and makes the person a second life element. However, when a person perceives and acts as a subject, he must be active and actual. This, of course, is possible in terms of metaphysical 'suffering human'. The concept of distress includes metaphysical meaning as well as physical meaning. The suffering here is that they are not confronted with their everyday occupations, and that they are oppressed by what they have done. The notion of "suffering" in Dîvân-ı Hikmet includes a metaphysical notion beyond this. The suffering in Yesevî's mind is not a state that can be called everyday, but rather a desirable and praised situation. In the mind of Yesevî who does not even see human as a human, he is used in a metaphysical context with regard to the human being directly. It is such a person who keeps a person alive, he is happy with his deeds, and makes suffering for a person. When the suffering is gone, the meaning will go away, the secret will disappear. He is a person who makes people human, has a meaning to him, and emphasizes human ontological integrity. From this point of view, the problem is a search that is based on Yesevî, which puts the human into action and gives an edge. In this study, the concept of suffering will be discussed in the meaning of Dîvân-ı Hikmet and will be examined from a metaphysical point of view.

Yesevî, Dîvân-ı Hikmet, Metaphysics, Suffering, Human, Signification.


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