Hızlı Erişim

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Balikesir Province is in the northwest of Turkey and it is a spacial city becaus of having coast both Egean and marmara Sea. It has very convenient conditions as facilities of road,water, air transportation. For this reason, it is among the first places where hundreds of refugees are kept waiting for the transition to Europe and where they are given temporary residence each year. In this process, refugee children who are in school age continue their education and face some problems. The aim of this study to reveal the socio-economic profiles of the refugee students who are continuing their studies provided temporary residence in the province of Balikesir.It is known the socio-economic conditions is main principle some problems.This study was conducted in 2016-2017 school year with 227 volunteer refugee students in primary school in Balikesir province. The method of this study is the screening model and aims to present the current situation. It is seen in the result of this study; the most of the refugee students come form Iraqı and Iran. As the purpose of this situation it is understood that the war in their country and better living condition in our country. There are fewer people who want to stay in this country and they want to live in Europe in the future. It has been understood economically that they receive help from the state, social institutions and individuals, and that these benefits are mostly in the form of cash.

Refugees in Balıkesir, Socio-economic situation, refugee problem, Refugee students in primary educat


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