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Calligraphy which means "writing beatifully" is reflected in branches of art as well as various graphic design products as a visual communication element. Calligraphic forms in graphic design are frequently used in graphic design products such as logo, packaging design and posters. When considered in the context of logo design, calligraphy emerges as a tool in which the brand image can be expressed in a visually effective way. Calligraphy in logo design can be created by traditional methods and transferred to the computer environment, created directly on the computer or based on script fonts. In this research, the use of calligraphic forms in logos are investigated in terms of visual communication and the effect of logos produced by calligraphic approach on brand perception has been investigated. It is seen that calligraphy, which has many styles and categories in itself, is used in almost every kind of brand and company logo designs.

Logo, calligraphy, script fonts, brand recognition


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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