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Many Syrians have taken refuge in Turkey due to the political turmoil in Syria. This situation which started in 2011 is still going on. Turkish government has taken some precautions to meet the main humane needs of Syrian refugees taking refuge in Turkey. In the scope of these precautions, there is providing refugees at school age to continue their education. In this study, participation to training status of the Syrian young at school age living in Kayseri among the refugees entertained out of the camp is determined. Two main subjects are emphasized in this study and with reference to the research data, suggestions for the solutions to the problems concerning the subjects have been tried to develop. Schooling rate of the Syrian young at school age in Kayseri is determined in the first issue in question. At the end of the research, it is stated that schooling rate of the Syrian young at school age in Kayseri is low. This subject is dealt with under three topics in detail in order to determine the reasons of this situation much clearer. In this regard, Syrian students studying at Temporary Education Centers in the first topic, Syrian students studying at mainstream school allied to provincial directorate for national education in Kayseri in the second topic and Syrian youth at school age who do not attend school are laid stress on. The open-ended interview forms in accordance with the experts’ opinions are prepared for the education situations of the Syrian students studying at Temporary Education Centers and mainstream schools in Kayseri in order to get the research data tried to determine the existing education conditions and situations of Syrian students in Kayseri. The data obtained from the interview forms are analyzed by content analysis method, classified according to the subject and interpreted. It is hoped that suggestions developed from the research data will contribute to training services for Syrian refugee youth entertained out of the camp in Turkey.

Syrian Refugee, young, training service, Kayseri


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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