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After the Seljuks and Ottomans, the Alevis, an element of the Republic of Turkey, are in various demands from countries under the basic rights and freedoms as citizens. These requests differ from the various Alevism organizations and groups. Of course, these requests are of great importance in the religious context of the Alevis who exhibits a religious organization characteristic, even if they are confronted in many different forms. İn this article, we focus on demand of alevis that is religious context. The study purpose, we try to understand what demand of alevis and what exactly should be. This study is prepared in a qualitative pattern. Varto, Tunceli, Çorum and Haci Bektaş are chosen as the universe and the participants are chosen as the sample. As a result, demands of alevis are collected three titles: Diyanet İsleri Baskanlığı, Cemevi status and Dede status.

Anatolian Alevis, citizenship, demand


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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