Hızlı Erişim

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It is a known truth that is shown some errors in Arabic languages with the expansion of Islam. Studying, started in order to correct these errors with Hz. Ali’s effort, keeping on Umayyad Era, and increased at the first period of Abbasids. Baghdad and Kufe Echoles, which are shown up during these studying, brought into a different perspective to the studying. After the 9th century, scholars of grammar, who tried to reconcile the two remarks by using an eclectic method, appeared such as İbn Keysân, İbn Cinnî and Zemahşerî. It is called as Baghdad Echole. No doubt, Zemahşerî, Turkish scholar, is one of the most important person in Baghdad Ecole investigate lots of language scholars’ views who lived before him and support some of them and criticize that he disagrees Expressing his own ideas and preferences in every issue, asserting ideas for the first time, being one of the scholars who offer a proof with the prophet Muhammad’s sayings and writing el-Mufassal which is second main resource in this field brings him more valuable in grammar field. In this article, It is taken place people who affected and was affected by Zemahşerî, his contribution to Arabic grammar, views and place on this field.

Zemahşerî, Grammar, el-Mufassal, Baghdad Cult, Syntax.


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