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Baba ve Piç, which is the fifth novel of Elif Şafak and first published in March 2006 by Metis Publishing House, is written up in English by name The Bastard of İstanbul. The text translated into Turkish by Aslı Biçen and took its final form with the cooperation of interpreter and author. The original form of the novel written up in English is published by Viking/Penguin which is the world’s leading publishing house. In Baba ve Piç which goes between the line of İstanbul and Amerika, ninety years stories of Muslim-Turkish Kazancı family and armenian americans Çakmakçıyan family are told. In this novel Turkish-Armenian relations are reflected from both side through these two families. Steady stand of a woman in the face of life who gave birth and raised her child without a father, a young lady’s identity seek and internal conflicts of a four generations family are other issues which are discussed in the novel. In this study, that is tried to make a textual analysis on the basis of the work and its writer, Baba ve Piç is going to be examined in terms of structural elements as name and content relationship, plot, narrative perspective and narrater, time, space, characters.

Plot, time, space, narrative perspective and narrater, characters.


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