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The internal space is closest physically and metaphorically for a person from outer space, and the physical meaning comes from his proximity to his personality, while the metaphorical meaning comes from his proximity to his interests and this makes him more needed to be designed with design quality that achieves the greatest response to human desires and more in response to his goals and goals, and because technical development is It represents the trait of human life, as the institutions concerned with the designs of the internal spaces of hotels, And especially at the level of the outstanding product of all materials and materials, depending on the developed creativity and creativity in the design and implementation of these spaces, which requires studying the features of that design progress with the imam with design quality applications with creative distinction, through the understanding of the designer of the design requirements, especially in the levels of contemporary internal spaces For renewable technical dimensions, relying on quality design processors in their product at the design level of design to build an exceptional internal environment for everyone so that the degrees of creative excellence vary, which makes it as a tool for the direct aesthetic response between the recipient and the internal space and accordingly. The problem of the research study was formulated with the following question: What are the components of the design quality? What is the role of these ingredients as treatments in order to achieve a distinct product at the design level in the contemporary internal space of the Yas Viseroi Abu Dhabi Hotel? While the importance of research contributes to the supply of scientific libraries, especially in the field of interior design, with valuable information in the field of knowing the components of the quality, with the reflection it contains with a distinct design product that can be referred to by specialists in the field of interior design, with theoretical and practical use of them as design treatments so that It can be adopted in the interior design of contemporary hotels. While the current research aims to reveal the ingredients for the design quality by studying these ingredients as treatments in order to achieve a distinct product at the design level in the contemporary internal space (for the Yas Viseroi Abu Dhabi Hotel). The research study also included the theoretical framework axes as well as research procedures represented by the research methodology based on the descriptive analytical approach (case study). Finally, the research study included extracting the most important results, conclusions, recommendations and future proposals.

Anahtar Kelimeler
quality, design, contemporary interior space. 263


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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