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The Islamic nation agreed to collect its communities and dissolve them, that its prophet Muhammad Salamah Allah upon him and a machine, The ring of the prophets, and that its sharia is the conclusion of the canons, and its book ring and newspapers He is the last divine Ambassador. He was committed to the door of the letter and prophecy. And the message of heaven to Earth concluded with him, that her prophet's religion God's eternal religion, and that his book, God's immortal book, God ended every piece of legislation, complementing his religion and his book with the heavenly laws that are the message of heaven to Earth. And the prophets with all the sub-differences were one message campaign and following one school, This school was progressively presented according to the requirements of the capacities of the human society to the extent that humanity reached so that the school offered its full university, The prophecy reached the end, by which the school was presented and fully reached Mohammed bin Abdullah and the last heavenly book is The Quran, as the Holy Quran said (And when the prophecies were renewed in the past, the prophets were Yatton respectively, and if not all of them had the law and the law and the predominance was to implement the existing sharia and this ended after the seal of the prophets The Holy Quran is a miracle of the seal of the immortal prophets. Former prophets Kabrahim, Moses and Issa were their books and their helplessness in something other than their heavenly books. Turning the land stick into a snake, the miracle of the prophet's ring is a book that was a book simultaneously and the proof of his message was a miracle of conclusion unlike the other helpless, In contemporary times, many theories have been raised regarding the seals of Prophet Muhammad Salwatullah on what is meant by the conclusion, its causes and the dimensions resulting therefrom. Several theories have been put forward by the Islamic intellectual Mohammad Iqbal. Islamic thinker Abdul Karim Saroush, and Sheikh Mortaza Mathari, According to this research, those theories and wavelength criticism were reviewed and their basis weakened.

Seal, Prophecy, Contemporary Speech Science


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