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The opinion that somebody who knows at least a foreign language can do translation is one of the main problems to obtain the dignity for the translatorship profession. Translatorship is a profession in itself, which provides the opportunity to communicate orally and written between different languages and cultures at every stage of international relations and necessitates specialization and professionalism in itself according to the fields of application. The translatorship profession, which has an official legal identity in many countries, notably in Europe, hasn’t had an identity at sufficient status in Turkey yet. A translator is not only an agent of lingual transfer, he/she is also an expert of culture, who transfers a written or oral text in its cultural context by interpreting it. A translator is also an ‘expert of balance’ who does cognitive and operational acts by entering the layers between cultures. Such a difficult occcupation, performed by a translator, should be identified as a profession and be studied in detail in regards to the perception by the society and professionalisation criteria. In this study, the status of the translatorship profession in Turkey will be examined and the legal shortcomings of the profession will be discussed, and finally, the solution proposals will be given.

Translation, Translator, Translatorship, Legal Problems


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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