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Research ; A self-leadership scale questionnaire was randomly distributed to 216 teachers working in state primary and secondary schools in Ankara in the 2019-2020 Academic Year. With this research, it is aimed to determine the self-leadership behaviors of teachers and to examine them according to some variables. Research data were obtained through the Self-Leadership Scale (Atik.S, 2015). SPSS 20.0 package program was used in the analysis of the data. In this study, it was tried to determine the teachers' self-leadership behaviors and their awareness levels were investigated according to some variables. Within the framework of the research findings of teachers' self-leadership levels, it was concluded that a high level of self-leadership ability of a teacher has benefits for himself, his students and even the society. paving the way for his own personal development, being a positive model for his students, high self-confidence and professional awareness, high empathy and communication skills, high level of research and questioning, critical, reflective and creative thinking skills, ability to organize teamwork and lead this team emerges as a teacher model. All these results obtained in the research hypothesis; It shows that the self-evaluation of teachers working in primary schools has a positive effect on self-leadership behaviors.

Teacher, self-leadership, teacher leader.


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