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All social organizations are not homogeneous but also structurally different. Every person differs from each other in terms of character traits and social status in his own body. Accordingly, their authority, responsibilities and expectations also change. In the study, which was prepared to determine the roles of primary school administrators according to the views of primary school teachers, a descriptive survey model, which does not have an experimental nature, was used from the quantitative research methods. The study group of the research is primary school teachers working in Aksu district of Antalya province; The sample consisted of 120 people who voluntarily and completely completed the data collection tool. In addition to the "Manager Roles Scale" developed by Mavi and Özdemir (2020) as a data collection tool for the research, personal questions added by the researcher were uploaded to the "Google Form" system and collected. As the collected data showed normal distribution, the data were analyzed using the parametric t-test and ANOVA tests and necessary inferences were made. According to the research findings, according to primary school teachers, the roles of school administrators are at a "high" level in the scale and in all sub-dimensions, and the roles of primary school administrators do not differ statistically according to the variables of teachers' gender, marital status, professional seniority, but educational status, age and working time with the same principal. It was concluded that there was a statistically significant difference according to the variables

Elementary school, administrator, administrator roles


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