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Some historians ignore the association of language with the history of nations, which makes a gap in the historical study of the history of a particular people or nation. Therefore, the connection of language and history is closely related, one complements the other, considering that language is a culture that affects the actions and attitudes of peoples and political leaders. It is not hidden for us when the Turks changed their religious orientation in 1000 AD, because of their entry into Islam. This led them to use the Arabic Alphabet for their Islam religion. If we look at Ottoman political history, we will find the Islamic and the national influence of the Turkish-Ottoman language on the Turkish people or on the peoples that were under the protection of the Ottoman caliphate. The coup d'état in the actions of Turkish leaders and the Turkish people, after the linguistic coup d'état due to the abandonment of Arabic Alphabet and the use of Latin letters in 1928. The change in the use of Latin letters changes the Turkish behaviors and politics historically. No linguist or writer could be correct in linguistic or literary studies unless to study the contemporary historical duration of linguistic and literary change, for example the change in poetic style of the Turkish-Ottoman poem. In the 17th century AD, the Turkish poem was in Turkish-Ottoman language in advisory religious style. while in the 18th century AD, we see that the form of the Ottoman poem changed, into lyrical and singing style, because of the orientation and openness in study in Europe. Therefore, the study of history is linked to language and vice versa as well. This research has resulted in an introduction, three axes, and a conclusion: The first axis: the dark phase of the Turkish language. The second axis: the middle stage of the Turkish language. The third axis: the modern stage of Turkish language and modern dialects.

Turkish history, Turkish language, Turkish dialects.


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