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The research, which was prepared to draw attention to the professional learning of teachers in today's professional learning by examining the roles of school principals in teacher professional learning, is a qualitative research conducted with the case study (phenemonology) model, in which 15 (fifteen) teachers working in secondary schools within the borders of Ordu province Ünye district and determined by criterion sampling method participated. Data were collected with the help of the online system through a semi-structured interview form consisting of 5 (five) open-ended questions obtained by the researcher through the literature review, and grouped in the axis of valid dimensions by creating a theme and code with the content analysis method. According to the research findings, the participants, namely teachers, generally provide professional development with in-service courses and seminars, the school administrator should set an example especially in their professional development, they do not contribute to the development of school administrators in general, they frequently meet with school administrators for professional development, they mostly work professionally at school for professional development. obtained as a result of not. The common view of all participants is that the principal's supportive attitude, positive attitude and communication towards teachers is one of the most important factors in the professional learning process of teachers. It is seen that teachers expect support and guidance from the principal for professional development. At the same time, some teachers emphasized that the principal should be fair and considerate

Professional development, vocational training, school principal, teacher


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