Hızlı Erişim

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Divan poets wrote a lot of poems about the cities that they lived in or visited on many different occasions. In the poems they wrote, they provided lots of information on geographical, architectural, historical etc. features of the places that they had been to. In this context, even though many cities in the Ottoman geography of classical Turkish literature have been the subjects of many poems with their own features, the city mentioned most and written poems about is İstanbul. Not only because of being the Ottoman Capital and its most important cultural center but also owing to its spectacular beauties, İstanbul has been the main theme of many shehrengizs that describe good and beauty of the city. Istanbul was both used as a theme in shehrengizs by Ottoman divan poets and mentioned because of the sahil-names that were about the coastal settlements along the Bosphorus. Sahil-names that were in demand in classical Turkish literature especially in the 18th century, differ from the shehrengizs in that they were the poems only written about İstanbul. However, the number of the works written in this kind is extremely low compared to shehrengizs. The only sources registered are the sahilnames of Fenni, Izzet Efendi and Dervish Hilmi Dede. In this study, I focused on the form and content features of the sahil-name of Dervish Hilmi Dede whose work has never been worked on as its text could not be identified and translated it into Latin alphabet.

Classical Turkish literature, Dervish Hilmi Dede, Sahil-nâme.


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