Hızlı Erişim

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Ghazal is a form of verse meaning that women talk about love. Famous poems were written in the form of ghazal verse in Classical Turkish Literature. In classical Turkish literature, the subject of ghazal is love, wine and beauty, but ghazals about love are mostly chosen. The ode to Turkish literature influenced from Iranian literature. Many poets in classical Turkish literature have been influenced by Iranian poets. With this influence, a brand new style “Sabq-i Hindi”. Classical Turkish literature poets were influenced by Örfî'i Şîrâzî, Şevket-i Buhârî, Kelîm-i Kâşânî, Emir Hüsrev-i Dehlevî, Bîdil and Sadî-i Şîrâzî, who are among the poets of Iranian literature Sebk-i Hindi style. In classical Turkish literature, different poets have written famous works in every century. First examples of Turkish ghazal in Turkish literature XII. and XIII. centuries. The first ghazals in classical Turkish literature were written lyrically by Hoca Dehânî. In XV. century poets Şeyhî, Ahmed Pasha and Necati were ghazal poets. XVI. century poets Fuzûlî and Zâtî; XVII. Century poets Nef'i, Nailî, Neshati; XVIII. Century poets Nedîm and Sheikh Galîb. Ghazal, especially XVII. Century lived its golden age. In Urdu literature, emphasis has been placed on ghazel verse form. The meaning of ghazal verse in classical Turkish literature is the same as in Urdu literature. In Urdu literature, as in Classical Turkish literature, the most important subject is love. In addition, subjects of Sufism, philosophy and wisdom are also covered. Ode in Urdu literature XVI. and XVII began ghazal poems.It has developed over the centuries. First ghazal poet XVI. Century poet Muhammmed Quli is Qutb Shah. Other prominent ghazal poets of Urdu literature are Mir Taqi Mir, Mir Dard, Mumin, Ghalib, Zauq and Dag.

Turkish, Urdu, Literature, Ghazal


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