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This research is an attempt on (Kinetic Imaging in the Quranic Discourse) which is one of the most recent linguistic investigations, which deals with the phonetic aspect from a psychological perspective, an applied study on the verses in which the (verse) (ascend) indicating movement in the Holy Qur'an was mentioned; therefore, we seek in this research to clarify the kinetic indications through the linguistic voice and their line to the meaning of the verses, their various contexts, and to meditate on the interpretation of the verses of the Holy Quran phonetically. As the linguistic sound characterized by certain accented and stylistic characteristics within the structure of the formation of the word, it gives a kinetic and pictorial features that give the meaning a suggestion, increases its beauty through the clear harmony between it and the first formative structures of the word within the context and significance of the event, which ultimately reveals the beauty of the pictorial voice and its movement in the Quranic discourse, then it apparent effect on the recipient and attract attention to reach the depths of the text, and then to its hidden significance, in monitoring the movement in the Holy Quranic imaging. We rely on highlighting the realm of the movement and the manifestations of its presence in the noble Quranic discourse and the relationship between the nature of the sounds included in the structure of the material chosen for the study, and the presence of the ascending movement in it.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Kinetic Imaging, Sound and Movement, Ascending Movement, Linguistic Dimension of Pictorial Movement.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 10/5 (September 2023) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue (100th Anniversary Special Issue) will be published on October 29, 2023. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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