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The aim of this study is to determine the views of primary school teachers towards the skill of using Turkish effectively and aesthetically, which is one of the basic skills. To that end, many parameters were investigated in terms of statistically differences concerning the views of teachers such as sex, professional service period, graduated bachelor majors, teaching class, class size. In addition, the effects of using Turkish effectively and aesthetically to the students according to teachers’ views, their supports to the students, and the role of teachers in using Turkish effectively and aesthetically were investigated. As final research, it was made a research for exploring the effects of in-class activities in order to use Turkish effectively and aesthetically, and the activities out-of-classroom. In this research, quantitative data validation model was adopted. The sample of this research consists of 499 classroom teachers working in city center, villages, and towns. The random sampling method was adopted for determining the sample group. Prepared by the researcher, a questionnaire named as “using Turkish effectively and aesthetically” was adopted since quantitative data validation model within mixed variation designs was adopted. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 software. When taking into account the research questions, t-test was adopted for two variances data, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) for multi variances. Qualitative data were analyzed by themes and coding process. The direct quotations were given for revealing the real cases of participants. So, descriptive and content analyses were carried out. As a conclusion, the views of primary school teachers’ using Turkish effectively and aesthetically were determined as to be changeable according to demographic variables. According to primary teachers, using Turkish effectively and aesthetically primarily develops students’ communication and thinking skills. The students who have the skills of using Turkish effectively and aesthetically use the main four language skills effectively. For this, school, family and teachers have a great role for students to have these skills. As a conclusion, the students who use Turkish effectively and aesthetically become acceptable people both in school life and social life.

Skill, using Turkish correctly, effectively and beautifully, Classroom teacher, mixed research


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