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Using the document scanning method, the digital age student qualities revealed by ISTE, P21, EnGauge, OECD, ETS institutions and organizations and Koening and the qualities related to the digital age teachers presented by ISTE, UNESCO, NETP, MEB, TEDP, TED institutions and organizations were scanned. Later on, using the descriptive analysis method, the qualifications required for successful digital music students and teachers were determined. Based on the principle that the qualifications of the students determine the qualifications of the teachers, the qualities of the digital age music students were first determined. Later, the qualifications of the digital age music teacher were introduced. According to the results revealed, the qualities that digital music students should have are: 1-Learning digital technology effectively, 2-Knowing their rights as a digital citizen, 3-Creating digital content, 4-Creative Designer, 5-Finding digital solutions, 6-Advanced Communicator, 7-Global Collaborator. Digital age music teacher qualifications are as follows: 1-Being a continuous learner following technology, 2-Being a leader, 3-Being a citizen, 4-Being a collaborator, 5-Being a designer, 6-Being a facilitator in the field of Digital Technology, 7-Students' digital technology competencies to be able to analyze”. According to this emerging picture, music teachers should strive to reach “digital natives” rather than being “digital immigrants” in order for digital music students to find their place in digital technologies. In this regard, it is suggested that music teachers should focus on digital technologies and pedagogical technologies in both their schools and their personal lives.

Digital, music education, teacher, student.


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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