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When we look at the point of understanding of circumcision especially among the leading scholars of the time in the Etbaut-Tabiin period, it will be seen that it differs both in terms of concept and nature. The concept of circumcision which was used by Prophet Muhammad during the period of the Companions and during the Tabiun period, both by the Messenger of Allah and some scholars for the companion of the Companions continued to be used in this period. In addition, it has also been used in different meanings. On the other hand, in this period, in the absolute remembrance of the concept of circumcision, there are some controversies as to whether this is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, the Companion of the Companions or the fatwa of Tabiun. Some controversy has also been observed regarding some of the things that are covered by circumcision. Also discussed by the scholars of the period, and especially in the direction of whether there is evidence of the Sahabe kavli, Tabiun fatwa, Habih revelers, Mürsel hadith, Hadith's subutu, the role of sika ravi in the narration stage of the Sunnah, the relevance of the revelation of the Sunnah and Medina was tried to be explained. When the concept of circumcision is considered as a whole in terms of understanding, it is seen that the scope continues to expand compared to previous periods. In addition, it is seen that the schools called Ehl-i Hadith and Ehl-i Re'y had an effect on the understanding of circumcision of this period.

Circumcision, Hadith, Etbau’t-Tabiin.


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