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The process of learning a foreign language is proportional with the degree of person's need and interest. This can be defined as the process of gaining essential skills for using a foreign language through learning. When we compare mother language with foreign language in terms of learning, we see that the native person who learns mother language gets these essential skills through emotional ties naturally, on the other hand the person who learns a foreign language acquires these skills in a certain educational enviroment. So, while teaching Turkish as a foreign language, it should be well planned that in which order and how the grammatical structures will be taught, how to teach vocabulary and what should be done in order not to forget what is taught to students . The rapidly growing need for foreign language learning around the world leads us to the fact that teachers should work on curriculum programs according to the characteristics and needs of the target audience and develop materials for learners' age groups. When planning, it should always be taken into consideration that each individual in the classroom can have a different reason for learning the language.



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