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Language, which is the mirror of society, is shaped and developed by the values, needs, political and religious changes and cultural elements of the society to which it belongs. The reflections of this negative influence in Turkish languageman itself in many aspects of language as it stil debated. By ignoring the Turkish system of thought and grammatical logic, circles that serve foreign ambitions and different political purposes are derived. The source of the problem should be found out in grammatical structures of foreign languages. After the change of religion, the effects of Arabic and Persian languages together with Islamic culture, especially the conjuntions and the prepositions of the binding on Turkish sentence structure, are among the first negative effects of our language in this field. While these effects continued, with the Tanzimat, the grammatical logic in Western languages, especially the grammatical patterns of French ,showed its effect by contradicting the structure and functioning of Turkish. Since these structures suggest that verbs are in the duty of auxiliary sentences in the sentence, aome grammarians have supported the existence of an comğlex compound type in Turkish. However, when considering this view, the structure and functioning of Turkish language, meaning- centered language, auxiliary sentences connected to the basic sentence is a feature of Indian European language families, is ignored. Turkish is tried to be examined and evaluated with the formation of shape- based structures. It is one of the biggest blows to the Turkish language, which has a characteristic that the internal structure determines the external structure, not to examine Turkish from this framework, not to think Turkish, to act according to the expression, thinking and shape structures of foreign languages. It is a fact that emotion and thought begin in the mind, reflected in language in patterns, and that linguistics shows. This fact has been turned into a reserve-operated policy to destroy a language and thus the unity of thought and culture. The firt traces of the needs and changes of he societies in every field appear first in the cultural elements. Then it affects the internal and external structure of the language.In this article, the traces of these negative effects will be discussed and solutions will be put forward with the results.

Change, grammar, sentences, structure, language policy.


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