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Human language spoken doesn’t improve simply with use word, sound and grammatical rules. Linguistic units fall into place as a result of interpersonal relationship. Individual designs reality in memory through linguistic units with experiences in the life. Expressions take on shape through these designs and form personal identity. This study aims to analyze the linguistic structures edited in mind in communication processes and occurred by discourse used usually without give attention and take notice of them and also to engender awareness on the reader by point of a view pragmatic and psycholinguistics about mysterious dimension of language. It is through that individual gained conscious by this awareness will recognize better each other through the medium of the language and turn to solve problems by the language instead of violence. It can understand easily from an individual's speech his intention, his purpose and if behavior exhibited is positive and negative and is in what kind of a mood. With this approach, language becomes a problem solving tool. The sample of the research consists of discourses in different contexts of social life. In the analysis of discourse, the theory of enunciation of Antoine Culioli and critical discourse analysis were used and the data were reviewed by descriptive analysis. In a language, every unit will take on different values depending on the use. Expressions perceived negatively may carry a positive value and expressions perceived positively a value negative. Verbs "want and expect” may indicate negativity in the semantic and "bad" word a dimension positive. In the use of language, the subject is a strategist, manipulator, highlighted consensual or provocative. This qualification is due to the pragmatic aspect of language.

Discours, Enunciation, Psycholinguistics, Design, Pragmatic


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    Dear Authors,

    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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