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The two branches of Turkish poetry, dîvan and folk poetry, have taken into consideration the bird motif in terms of the possibility of different imaginations and thoughts. First of all, when expressing the characteristics of love, they have benefited from the bird image as a symptom. In these two branches of Turkish poetry, the beloved goes through the names anka, huma, fahin, bâz, tâtî. Unlike the bunda, folk poetry takes local birds such as swans and ducks as poetry. While poetry in folk poetry is addressed with the names of birds, it is worth noting that poetry penetration is much more mazmun in poetry poetry. The poem's tendency is poetry (nightingale), lover (anka, humble), competitor (crow). When sources of poetry branches are taken into consideration, it is natural that there are differences in preferences. Because of the classical understanding of Dîvan poetry, it is more influenced by the local environment as well as the tradition of the Anatolian geography where the popular poetry develops while offering a more traditional structure. Dîvan poetry is based on metaphorical approaches. It does not tend to mention the name of a true bird. It takes bird names as poetry with artistic expressions such as metaphor, encouragement and metaphor. However, people can put poetry into these names without considering the metaphor of poetry. The bird, which feels its weight in both poems, is a blush. When a numerical evaluation is made on the bird names in the poems, it is seen that the poem about 25-30% of the popular and poetry poems of bulbul is placed in poetry. It is natural that in these approaches, it is necessary that the lover be considered as a rose. It is a natural result that there are differences according to the sources and development environments that the poetry feeds on. As a whole, bird names in Turkish poetry show a remarkable wealth in poetry.

Bird, poem, motif, symbol, simile.


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