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Public Personnel System, a sub-branch and an essential component of Public Administration, focuses on people and is in a constant reorganization process in order to be compatible and applicable with contemporary conditions. Its consistent interaction with economical, political, sociological and cultural structure ensures that Public Personnel System addresses and meets the existing needs of the state, while it avoids falling behind today’s fast paced world. More productive and efficient workforce requires an effective personnel system; otherwise Public Administration can not function properly and therefore a productive and efficient Public Management can not be attained. With the fall of Ottoman Empire and rise of Turkish Republic, PublKey ic Administration in Turkey went into a major revision process by almost starting over from scratch and within this transition, reconstruction of Public Personnel System began as well. This study focuses on changes and reorganization of Public Personnel System in four historical periods of Turkish Republic (1923-1945; 1945-1960; 1960-1980; 1980-present time) and comes to the conclusion with an overall evaluation. Objective of my study is to present the evolution of Public Personnel System of Turkey in different historical periods. In order to reach this objective, I’ve collected information from various domestic and foreign resources and as a qualitative research methodology, I’ve applied historical research methodology.

Public Staff, Republic, Civil Servants Law


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