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The curent research aimes to assessing the level of the quality of live of students at the Tlemcen University.And investigation the effect of gender (male, female) and family income (high income, low income) on the level of quality of live of students . The field study was applied on a sample of 110 students (38 male and 52 female) of the university of tlemcen and we used as a tool to study the mesure of quality of live for MANSI & KADEM (2006) valid and reliable The study finding showed that the students have a high level of quality of live and there is no statistically significant differences between the sexes (male, female) in terms of quality of live, and there is no statistically significant differences in the quality of live according to the income of the student’s families, so whether the students comes from a well-off family or a simple family , they both have a high sense of quality of live

Quality, Live, Quality of live,


Gelişmiş Arama




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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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