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Society or social groups and social relations that enable communication activities towards economic returns stemming from the thought that led to the concept of social capital, in many different disciplines is a concept that interested. In recent years, in the development process of the countries where there is an important role for social capital has been a topic discussed much more. Because many of the country's development or underdevelopment with only physical capital, wealth or poverty, it is not possible to explain. Therefore, especially least developed countries, with developed countries in order to close the gap between the economic development of the utmost importance to increase social capital is a must. Recently, the economic and social welfare of increasing the role played in the prominent human capital concept, concept of social capital with the introduction with the classic concept of capital of the physical dimensions as well as social dimensions of importance as demonstrated. Investment in human capital, caused an increase in the income level of individuals near the countries' economic efficiency and positive impact on social welfare, it is possible to speak of. In this context, human capital, social capital is the ability to use effectively in a short time it was found to be due to the presence. This study’s concept of social capital are discussed first. Then examined the concept of human capital, human capital factors are considered. In the last chapter has focused on the relationship between social and human capital, relationships have been exposed and the consequences of these interactions has been evaluated in a large way.

Social Capital, Human Capital, Interaction, Social Welfare, Economic Prosperity


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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