Hızlı Erişim

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Eğirdir where forms the searching area is a county of Isparta. It is placed at 37° 50' 41" - 38° 16' 55" north Latitudes and 30° 57' 43" - 30° 44' 39" east longitudes. It is in Antalya zone in the Mediterranean District. Eğirdir was set along the side from east to west of Eğirdir Lake that is the 4th lake of the Turkey in the lakes districts. It has got 1414 km. 2 surface area and 918 m. height. Searching area: It surrounds with Yalvaç and Gelendost county in Northern, Şarkikaraağaç and Aksu county in Eastern, Sütçüler county in Southern, Burdur city in South-eastern, Isparta city and Atabey county of Isparta in Western, and finally Senirkent county of Isparta in North-western. The age of searching area goes to Palozic age. The area indicates place folded, cracked, and fault structure feature as being effected with Alpine Orojenic movement. It is seen passing climate between terrestrial climate of Anatolia with Mediterranean climate of Mediterranean District in the searching area. It is seen the differences between plain sectors and mountainous sectors in the natural plant cover. There is the effect of climate factors beside the topografic components like earth forms, aspect and altitude. In spite of red pine and lemur type is the dominant type in the plain base, the black pine, Lebanon cedar and toros giknar is the dominant type on the high mountains.

Eğirdir, Physical Geography, Geomorphology


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    RESSJOURNAL's issue 11/4 (July 2024) is published. RESSJOURNAL's new issue will be published on September 30, 2024. We are waiting for your qualified articles.

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